Project Milestones
Project is more planned out
Personal and team Blogs are mostly created
Half of backup data is uploaded to GitHub
We are in the lead for team datacamp points at about 90k total
The Blogs are difficult to work with and get set up
Cool Technical Things We Learned This Week
How to created webpages in R studio
More basics in R such as making matrices

How to use Tidycensus for importing variable codes

Practice with GitHub
Tidycensus Graphs

Random Facts for Chris
From statistic brain research institute, “…in an average hour, there are over 61,000 Americans airborne over the United States.”
Every second, 75 McDonalds burgers are eaten
In 1890, the Hollerith Machine was used to tabulate Census data. Technically, this could be called the first computer device.
Questions/ Discussion
Unrelated from work - what do people do here during the summer?